Horse Boarding Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

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VI. Marketing Plan

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[Company Name] seeks to position itself as a high-quality source of horse care, horse training, and horseback riding instruction in the equestrian industry. Consumers can expect to receive the best horse care from skilled farmhands in [location] and managed by an experienced horse boarding expert.

The [Company Name] Brand

The [Company Name] brand will focus on the Company’s unique value proposition:

  • Customer-focused service that treats each horse individually with excellent care
  • Superior, customized service built on long-term relationships
  • Proven track record and expertise in the industry
  • Full-service boarding that includes care, training, and riding lessons

Promotions Strategy

[Company Name] expects its target market to be horse owners living within a 10-20-mile radius of its location. The Company’s promotion strategy to reach these customers includes:

Social Media
[Company Name] will invest heavily in a social media advertising campaign. The brand manager will create the Company’s social media accounts and invest in ads on all social media platforms. It will use targeted marketing to appeal to the target demographics.

Local Publications
The Company will also invest in advertising in selected local publications until it has achieved significant brand awareness. Advertisements in local newspapers, magazines, and circulars will be a large part of the initial marketing strategy.

[Company Name] will invest heavily in developing a professional website that displays all of the features and benefits of the company and its facilities. It will also invest heavily in SEO so that the brand’s website will appear at the top of search engine results.

Equestrian Events
[Founder] will visit multiple equestrian events to hand out brochures for the stable. The Company will ask event hosts to keep a handful of brochures on hand and pass them out to their clients. Because the founder is well-known in the industry, she believes the equestrian event organizers will be happy to hand out her brochures.

[Company Name] will also invest in sponsoring certain equestrian events so that the Company’s banners and collateral material are displayed all over the event where numerous horse owners and enthusiasts will see them.

[Company Name] understands that the best promotion comes from satisfied customers. The Company will encourage its customers to refer their friends and neighbors by providing discounts for each new customer produced. This strategy will increase in effectiveness after the business has already been established.

Direct Mail
[Company name] will blanket neighborhoods surrounding its location with direct mail pieces. These pieces will offer discounts and/or provide other incentives for horse owners to use its boarding services.

Pre-Opening Events
Before opening the horse boarding business, [Company Name] will organize pre-opening events such as an open house to draw future consumers to visit the stable and take a tour. When they witness the spacious stables, range of riding trails, and beautiful pastures, they will be more likely to board their horses at the facility.

Pricing Strategy

[Company Name]’s pricing will be premium due to the higher quality of its services over its competitors. Customers will be confident in the quality of care their horses will receive when purchasing the Company’s boarding services.

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