About Us

Empowering Business Owners to Thrive

BusinessPlanTemplate.com is the leading resource for business plan templates to help you start and/or grow your business.

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped thousands of entrepreneurs and small businesses start, grow, fund and/or sell their company.

We have over 250 customized business plan templates as well as a series of business plan articles and resources to help you develop your plan and use it to successfully raise money.

BusinessPlanTemplate.com was founded by Dave Lavinsky. Dave is an internationally renowned business planning and capital raising expert. BusinessPlanTemplate.com is a subsidiary of Growthink. You can learn more about our parent company at Growthink Reviews.

Countless research exists proving that having a written business plan dramatically increases your chances of success.

For instance, research by Terri Zwierzynski found that of 26,000 start-up business failures, 67% did NOT have a written plan.

And research from Entrepreneur Magazine and Washington State University found that businesses that complete formal business plans are TWICE as likely to successfully grow their businesses or obtain capital than those who do not.

But I’m sure you already know this, and that’s why you’re here.

We continue to add new business plan templates each week, and we’re confident we have one that allows you to complete your business plan and grow your company.