Art Gallery Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

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II. Company Overview

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Who is [Company Name]?

The [Company Name] art gallery has been exhibiting a wide variety of art mediums since [year]. Located at [address], we present thousands of oil paintings, watercolor drawings, handmade crafts (sculpture, wood and ceramic artworks) made by amateur and professional artists. The wide range styles featured in [Company name] art gallery varies from classics, realism, social realism to abstractionism and surrealism.

The wide range styles featured in [Company name] art gallery varies from classics, realism, social realism to abstractionism and surrealism. The works are made in different techniques: oil, acryl, watercolors, ink drawing, etc. We update our artworks sections as we invite new artists and curate pieces that fit the taste of our clients.

[Company Name]’s History

An artist himself, [Founder’s Name] graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from [University]. He has been painting since [Year] and teaching since [Year]. His work has been featured at many art galleries and shows and even sold [x] of his pieces in the past 12 months.

With his extensive experience in art, he decided to open up his own gallery to feature not just his own works but other artists’ and his students’ pieces. He desires to promote art appreciation and creative self-expression through his art gallery.

[Company Name]’s Products/Services

[Company Name] focuses on featuring various artists’ paintings, drawings, sculpture, and artworks in its gallery and online platform. It also fulfills individual orders from clients. The [Company Name] has a team of artists that will create the works of the client’s choice in any required colours and of any required size.

[Founder’s Name] owners will also show and sell his own work in the Gallery, as well as produce commission portraits and other work.

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