Podcast Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

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IV. Customer Analysis

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Demographic Profile of Target Market

[Company Name] will serve any podcast listeners who are interested in listening to a veteran film critic analyze movies and discuss film industry news.

Podcast listeners vary far and wide in their demographics. According to Pew Research Center, about 41% of Americans listen to podcasts on a monthly basis. Both men and women enjoy them equally, and they are a major source of entertainment for people of all ages. Moviegoers have similar demographics, with 43 million people in North America seeing a movie at least once a month and 80% of the population using at least one streaming service. [Company Name] will aim to market to demographics that dominate both industries.

Customer Segmentation

Though all movie and podcast fans are welcome to listen, [Company Name] will primarily target three customer segments:

  • [Founder’s Name]’s Audience: [Founder’s Name] has amassed a huge following on his blog as well as other publications where he writes about movies. These will be the easiest listeners to market to, so this will be our initial focus.
  • Movie Fans: We will market ourselves as the utmost experts in film analysis, reviews, and industry news. Anyone who calls themselves a movie fan will want to listen to our podcast to learn all about films and the industry.
  • Millennials and Gen Z: Since listeners under 35 make up a majority of podcast listeners, [Company Name] will primarily focus on marketing toward younger millennials and older listeners of Gen Z.
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