Courier Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

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IV. Customer Analysis

You can download our Business Plan Template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.

Demographic Profile of Target Market

[Company Name] serves a statewide target market of over 64,000 businesses and a population of over 9M people. Of this large market, [Company Name] has positioned the following customer segments as our target market:

  • Individuals with a moderate to high-income level
  • Individuals who are more concerned with guaranteed delivery than cost of delivery
  • Companies that prepare confidential materials
  • Companies that issue cash or liquid assets of any kind
  • Companies that generate legal documents
  • Corporations that will use contracted services on a yearly basis

Future target markets may include individuals or corporations who want to use courier delivery services to set up/take down conference or trade show booths, and deliveries for oversized or unique items.

Additional target audiences may include secondary product or service items that support courier deliveries: food deliveries, alcoholic product deliveries, gift items, etc.

Customer Segmentation

Clients of [Company Name] include primary and secondary targets:

Primary Client base:

  • Companies that utilize courier deliveries
  • Individuals who value guaranteed delivery times over cost of delivery

Secondary Client base:

  • Individuals or companies who want a lower-cost courier service
  • Individuals or companies who want options for freight deliveries
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