Bitcoin Mining Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

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II. Company Overview

You can download our Business Plan Template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.

Who is [Company Name]?

[Company Name] is a new bitcoin mining business located in [Location]. It is run by [Founder’s Name] who has been mining bitcoin for [X] years. He established this company after deciding to pool his resources with other miners to increase the chances of successfully mining bitcoin. [Company Name] currently has ten mining rigs and three miners in the pool. In the future, the company will be open to bringing in more miners for a membership fee.

[Company Name]’s History

[Founder’s Name] incorporated [Company Name] on [date of incorporation] as an LLC. The business is currently being run out of [Founder’s Name]’s home, but once the lease on [Company Name]’s office location is finalized, all operations will be run from there.

Since incorporation, the company has achieved the following milestones:

  • Found a business location and signed a Letter of Intent to lease it
  • Developed the company’s name, logo, and website located at [website]
  • Determined equipment requirements

[Company Name]’s Products/Services

[Company Name]’s only goal is to mine bitcoin. All miners in the pool will work towards this goal and all profits earned will be divided equally amongst pool members. Future miners who wish to join the pool will have to pay a membership fee.

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