Massage Therapy Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]

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VII. Operations Plan

This Section's Contents

You can download our Business Plan Template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.

Functional Roles

[Company name] will carry out its day-to-day operations primarily on an appointment basis. Walk-in clients will be served by the earliest available specialist, but priority will be given to clients who called ahead.

In order to execute on [Company Name]’s business model, the Company needs to perform several functions. The majority of employees will assist in helping customers select and book appointments, in addition to the primary functions of massage therapists.


[Company name]’s long term goal is to become the dominant provider of massage therapy services in the [location] area.

The following are a series of steps that lead to our vision of long-term success. [Company Name] expects to achieve the following milestones in the following [xyz] months:

[Date 1]Finalize lease agreement
[Date 2]Design and build out [Company Name]
[Date 3]Hire and train initial staff
[Date 4]Kickoff of promotional campaign
[Date 5]Launch [Company Name]
[Date 6]Reach break-even
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